Heathens in Recovery at Tulsa Pagan Pride | The Troth

Dreamkeepers Park 1875 S Boulder Park Dr, Tulsa

Lauren Crow, President and CEO of the Troth, will be presenting a workshop on Mental Health and Addiction Recovery from a Pagan Perspective, with a focus on Heathens in Recovery and the 9 steps created by the participants in that program

South Jersey Pagan Pride Day | The Troth, Distelfink Sippschaft & Heathens Against Hate

​​Cooper River Park 936 PARK BLVD, CHERRY HILL

Distelfink Sippschaft is an Urglaawe kindred and 501(c)(3) not-for-profit religious organization with members in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. Distelfink produces Urglaawe and Heathen-related materials, and undertakes folklore research throughout the Pennsylvania German settlement areas. This table will also feature a full line of Troth publications as well the publications of some of our members.

Other Troth and Heathens Against Hate items (pins, t-shirts, etc.) are also available.

Heathenry Essentials Study Group

Welcome to Heathenry (also known as Asatru).

Perhaps you are beginning your journey as a Heathen. You may have friends or family that have become Heathen and you'd like to know more about it. It is our hope that, as you work through the readings, essays, and sample questions, you will develop a fuller understanding of Asatru and what it means to be Heathen in a modern context. This is a free resource available to the public as part of our continuing mission to educate and to serve. You can take this course without a membership in The Troth so that you can learn more about the basics of our faith.