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Heathenry Essentials Study Group

August 5, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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About the Heathenry Essentials Study Chats

Welcome to Heathenry (also known as Asatru).

Perhaps you are beginning your journey as a Heathen. You may have friends or family that have become Heathen and you’d like to know more about it. It is our hope that, as you work through the readings, essays, and sample questions, you will develop a fuller understanding of Asatru and what it means to be Heathen in a modern context. This is a free resource available to the public as part of our continuing mission to educate and to serve. You can take this course without a membership in The Troth so that you can learn more about the basics of our faith.

How the Heathenry Essentials Study Chat Works

The first 60 to 90 min will be a discussion of the current subject chosen by those who attend the chat, focused on the area of their interest.

This part will be recorded.  After the focused study chat, the remaining time will be open for social hour. This part is not required to attend for participation in the study group, you can drop off if you’d like.  This portion will not be recorded.  If being recorded causes privacy to be a concern, feel free to join with the video blocked, or an attendee can put up a neutral picture in their free Zoom account. Attendees can change their names to a code name and use the chat feature if speaking and having their voice heard or recorded may be a concern.

By joining the zoom meeting for the chat part, you are consenting and agreeing that you are aware the zoom chat will be recorded and posted to YouTube for students in the program. By joining, you are demonstrating that you consent to this.

All who join the room first enter the waiting room and then are admitted into the zoom room by the host. Upon entering the waiting room, each attendee is auto-set to join with their video and mic turned off so they can choose how they wish to present themselves. (To set their video/picture choices manually). This is also done in case when people who enter the chat after the start time can still join without disturbing the class. A student can join the chat/social at any time while the zoom room is open and active.

If not speaking, please keep your microphone muted. This keeps background noise down and stops switching of the focus of the video off the speaker. Those leaving their mic on and having background noise disturbing the chat will first be requested to turn off-mic; the host may and will mute those who do not comply. For repeated offenses, the person will be removed from the chat by the host.

All entering the chats agree to comply with The Troth’s position on Frith and inclusiveness:

“The Troth takes great pride in being an organization that welcomes all people without judging them. We believe that no matter what a person’s religious or cultural background, ancestral background, physical ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation may be if the Gods and Goddesses called to them, they are welcome.” 

Unless actively speaking, please keep your mic muted.

This course is taught in English.

If any questions, please email heathenessentials@thetroth.org

For Troth Members: there is a Discord chat for the Heathen Essentials Study Group on the Troth Discord to continue conversations, ask questions, and have a study community.

For non-Troth Members: There is a voluntary mailing list for the Heathen Essentials Study Group to continue conversations, ask questions, and have a study community. Troth members who prefer not to use discord may also join the mailing list.

Add this recurring event to your calendar

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. It will preload the entire year.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZEuceCqrzMuGtXU9dcgNSOci1Gq1zywbbQN/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGtrT0jGNWdtBmGRpwMA4_oXerzmFxbjbdlqUbhACd9USz1P7NlI-NlCc_S

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 853 6921 8401

Passcode: 945402

One tap mobile to connect via phone verbal only

+13602095623,,85369218401#,,,,*945402# US

+13863475053,,85369218401#,,,,*945402# US

Meeting ID: 853 6921 8401

Passcode: 945402

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdWV5hxkTi


August 5, 2023
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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The Troth
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