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Signs from the Gods


I think the most frequently asked question that comes along in almost every Heathen forum is to “did I receive a sign from (fill in the blank?)” It’s the question that is the most difficult to answer. While historically, almost every religion has some sort of belief in signs from the other, it is very hard for a stranger to interpret if something is a sign and what that sign means.

Did I receive a sign from the Gods?

I think the most frequently asked question that comes along in almost every Heathen forum is to “did I receive a sign from (fill in the blank?)” It’s the question that is the most difficult to answer. While historically, almost every religion has some sort of belief in signs from the other, it is very hard for a stranger to interpret if something is a sign and what that sign means.

Even in Christian culture, signs are often interpreted by those who receive it. Growing up, a local woman believed she had received a sign from God after the death of her husband when a cross appeared when her window cracked. She interpreted it as a sign her husband had gone to Heaven, and this was the interpretation that was accepted as truth in the community.

Many heathens tend to be skeptical when it comes to signs and messages from the divine, and for good reason.

In my experience, signs from the gods can become a contest when you get a group of modern pagans together. Spiritual competitiveness is a remnant of Evangelical culture, where people want to see who can be the most emotionally moved by the spirit.

But that doesn’t answer the question – did you receive a sign from the Gods?

The best way to answer this question is with a series of questions so that the person who thinks they might have received some sort of sign or portended from the divine can critically examine the experience and decide for themselves. I call it the MICE test.

Is the possible sign:

  • Meaningful?
  • Interpretable?
  • Congruent?
  • Extraordinary?

Let’s break down the MICE model.

Meaningful is fairly simple.

Is the event in question something that has meaning? In order for something to be considered communication, it needs to be able to convey some sort of information. Therefore this is one of the most important criteria to determine if this is a sign.

Interpretable is the second criteria.

The sign should be something that can be understood by the person who is receiving the sign. While divine communication may be done via symbolism, this symbolism should not be so obscure and concealed that the receiver does not understand what the divine being is trying to communicate.

Congruent is one of the trickiest pieces to decipher.

Sometimes you may need assistance from outside sources or trusted Heathen elders. The event in question needs to be congruent with the nature of the divine being in question. Does this message go against the character or nature of this being? If so, it may not be divine communication from that particular god or goddess.

Extraordinary is the final criteria that helps differentiate between the mundane and the potentially divine.

Is this something that is completely out of the ordinary? Seeing a murder of crows in your work parking lot might be completely mundane for many people, but having one land on your shoulder and peck your ear would be extraordinary for many people. Signs are meant to be something that happens beyond the normal scope of everyday life.

Signs are a communication from the divine.

These four criteria evaluate if the event is both communication and something that is metaphysical in nature. This isn’t by any means a foolproof test, but it is a good place to start when it comes to making a critical examination of an experience. If you are still confused, concerned, or otherwise feel unsettled, talk it over with a trusted friend.

I would advise you not to share it with anyone you don’t know well, because I find it lessens the impact if it really is some sort of divine experience.

At the end of the day, the only person who can decide if something is a communication from the divine is exactly that, because the message, if it is a message, is meant for you.